Reshaping multiple sets of measurement columns (wide format) into single columns (long format)

reshape(dat, idvar="ID", direction="long", 
             varying=list(Start=c(2,5,8), End=c(3,6,9), Value=c(4,7,10)),
             v.names = c("DateRangeStart", "DateRangeEnd", "Value") )
    ID time DateRangeStart DateRangeEnd Value
1.1  1    1          1/1/90        3/1/90    4.4
1.2  1    2          4/5/91        6/7/91    6.2
1.3  1    3          5/5/95        6/6/96    3.3

(Added the v.names per Josh's suggestion.)

data.table's melt function can melt into multiple columns. Using that, we can simply do:

melt(setDT(dat), id=1L,
     measure=patterns("Start$", "End$", "^Value"),"DateRangeStart", "DateRangeEnd", "Value"))

#    ID variable DateRangeStart DateRangeEnd Value
# 1:  1        1         1/1/90       3/1/90   4.4
# 2:  1        2         4/5/91       6/7/91   6.2
# 3:  1        3         5/5/95       6/6/96   3.3

Alternatively, you can also reference the three sets of measure columns by the column position:

melt(setDT(dat), id = 1L, 
     measure = list(c(2,5,8), c(3,6,9), c(4,7,10)), = c("DateRangeStart", "DateRangeEnd", "Value"))