Androidx86 touch screen not working. I have no idea what to do

Here is the fix. (All commands are in the quotes and Linux is case sensative, so please copy exactly.

  1. Press Alt + F1 to go into Terminal mode. (Alt + F7 will switch back to the GUI) Type in stop zygote and press enter (This will stop the Android GUI)

  2. Type in mkdir /data/system/tslib and enterenter (This should make a directory/folder called tslib inside /data/system

  3. Type in cd /data/system and press enter (This will change the current directory to /data/system
  4. Type in ls and press enter (This will list all files and folders in the current Directory)

  5. Check to see if your new directory, tslib is listed.

  6. Type in ts_calibrate and press enter

    • This should load up the calibration tool and you should have a X in the top left to press, when you do, you are moved to the top right, then bottom right, then bottom left and finally the centre of the screen.
  7. Type in cd tslib and press enter (This should move you into your new tslib directory you made earlier)

  8. Type in ls and press enter(You should see a file in there called pointercal, which was created by the calibration tool)

  9. Finally, type in start zygote and press enter (This will load up the GUI again along with your new calibration settings)