Map My Documents Folder to New Location in Windows 7

How can I map the location of the My Documents folder on Windows 7 to a new location? My system has a 60GB SSD as the primary/boot drive and a 160GB HDD. I would like the My Documents folder to be on the HDD, not the SSD. Thanks.

Solution 1:

Googled around, found these you could try:


Solution 2:

You can also try the official Microsoft help article:

Solution 3:

You want to use folder redirection to change the Documents shell pointer to the new HDD path:

  1. Jump directly to your user profile folder using Start + R, then type C:\Users\Profilename where Profilename is usually the same as your Windows username
  2. Right click on the My Documents folder > Properties
  3. On the Location tab, click the Move button
  4. Browse to the desired path on D: and click Select Folder to save. If needed, you can create a new folder in the Select a Destination dialog by right clicking in the right pane > New > Folder
  5. Back in Documents Properties, click OK to save your change and Yes to confirm you want all the content relocated to the new path