Ubuntu 20.04 can't change default application for mp3

Solution 1:

Open a terminal, navigate to your file, and type:

mimeopen -d yourfile.mp3

The output should look like this:

Please choose a default application for files of type application/xxx

1) vlc
2) mpg123

Choose application #

Choose your application number. Your output may be different than mine. You can then run it either from the terminal, like this:

mpg123 *.mp3

Or double click on the file, it should now open with the application you set as default.


Solution 2:

Currently, it seems like a bug. I, however, need other users to confirm this is occurring to them. A workaround has been to use xdg-utils

So to set mp3 to open with a specific application: xdg-mime default vlc.desktop audio/x-mp3

See here for more details: https://superuser.com/questions/21626/ubuntu-change-the-default-program-used-to-open-a-type-of-file

Solution 3:

I have the same problem as described in 20.04, can't change defaults for music (flac, mp3). "Default applications" settings doesn't recognize VLC as an alternative for music, and it doesn't work with the two alternatives that show: I changed to Rhythmbox, but it still uses Videos to play music. Right clicking on individual files doesn't give the alternative to set default programmes.

Edit: now worked it out through Nautilus: file properties - open with - default.