Varnish with Basic auth returns 401
The problem you're facing is that your backend also requires Basic Authentication. When your health check probe is polling the backend, it returns a HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
because you didn't provide the authorization header.
We can fix this by sending a custom request header in your backend probe.
Here's the VCL code:
backend default {
.host = "";
.port = "8080";
.first_byte_timeout = 600s;
.probe = {
.request =
"HEAD /health_check.php HTTP/1.1"
"Authorization: Basic ZGV2OmRldg="
"Host: localhost"
"Connection: close"
"User-Agent: Varnish Health Probe";
.timeout = 2s;
.interval = 5s;
.window = 10;
.threshold = 5;
As you can see, we're sending the following HTTP request to your backend:
HEAD /health_check.php HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic ZGV2OmRldg=
Host: localhost
Connection: close
User-Agent: Varnish Health Probe
We're performing a HEAD
call rather than a GET
, because we don't care about the payload, we only care about the status code.
I'm also assuming Basic ZGV2OmRldg=
is the right authorization value that is required by your backend.
The final assumption I'm making is that your backend will successfully respond to a request that has the Host: localhost
See for a tutorial that matches your use case.