Looking for software to create Step-By-Step Screenshot guides [closed]

I would use a tool like Snag-It to do the screen capture, then it has add-in stamps you can use, including ones that already have a circle with a number on it. Very easy to use.

The Windows 7 Problem Steps Recorder automatically takes screenshots at each important step, and saves the resulting images and annotations to a zipped MHT file.

10-4 looks like Greenshot will do what you want. Never used it myself, but the description matches. Found via osalt.com


IrfanView has all you need for this - a capture function and a plugin for drawing simple shapes like circles and numbers. And it is free for personal use.

We actually develop a product, ScreenSteps, that is specifically designed to create step-by-step guides. It lets you capture screen shots and automatically assembles them into documents where you can add text, annotations, etc. It also has a sequence tool that lets you just click to add numbered circles that automatically increment in number. Makes it really easy to reference GUI elements.