How can I batch rename files in bash?

Another option:

for i in *.sql ; do
    mv -v $i ${i%.sql}-AM.sql

This loops through all the .sql files and renames them to end in -AM.sql instead.

PROTIP: Use $(command) instead of `command` in your scripts (and command-lines), it makes quoting and escaping less of a nightmare.

Try this little script:


FILES=`ls *.sql`
for FILE in ${FILES}
    BASE=`basename ${FILE} .sql`
    mv ${FILE} ${BASE}-AM.sql

I just typed that from memory so if it doesn't work 100% don't blame me (i.e., back up your data first ;) )

How it works:

Collect all files into a variable (you could put this inside the for instead but I like to keep things easy to read):

FILES=`ls *.sql`

Loop through each file:

for FILE in ${FILES} { ... }

Get the filename without .sql:

BASE=`basename ${FILE} .sql`

Rename the file, adding -AM.sql to the base name:

mv ${FILE} ${BASE}-AM.sql

Using the Perl script version of rename:

rename 's/\.sql$/-AM$&/' *.sql

Using the util-linux-ng version of rename (but only if ".sql" only appears at the end of the filename):

rename .sql -AM.sql *.sql

Using mmv:

mmv '*.sql' '#1-AM.sql'