How to prove a matrix is nilpotent?

Solution 1:

If $\mathbf{e}_1,\ldots,\mathbf{e}_n$ is the standard basis for $\mathbb{R}^n$ (or whatever your base field is), then notice that $A\mathbf{e}_1=\mathbf{0}$, and $$A\mathbf{e}_i \in \mathrm{span}(\mathbf{e}_1,\ldots,\mathbf{e}_{i-1}),\quad i=2,3,\ldots,n.$$

Now show that $A^n\mathbf{e}_i = \mathbf{0}$ for all $i$ to get the desired conclusion.

Solution 2:

It can be showed by induction: for $n=2$ it's a simple computation. If the result is true for $n$, and $A=\pmatrix{T_n&v\\\ 0&0}$ where $T_n$ is a $n\times n$ triangular matrix with zeros on the main diagonal, then for each $p\geq 1$ we have $A^p=\pmatrix{T_n^p&T_n^{p-1}v\\\ 0&0}$. Therefore, for $p=n+1$ we get $A^{n+1}=\pmatrix{T_n^{n+1}&T_n^nv\\\ 0&0}=0$ (because $T_n^n=0$).

Solution 3:

An $n\times n$ upper triangular matrix $A$ has characteristic polynomial $X^n$. Thus by the theorem of Cayley-Hamilton you get $A^n=0$.

Solution 4:

Suppose that $a_{i\,j}=(A)_{i\,j}=0$ for $i\ge j$ and $b_{i\,j}=(B)_{i\,j}=0$ for $i\ge j-m$, where $A$ and $B$ are $n\times n$ matrices. Consider when it is possible to have $a_{i\,j}b_{j\,k}\not=0$.

To have $a_{i\,j}\not=0$ we must have $i<j$ (i.e. $i\le j-1$).

To have $b_{j\,k}\not=0$ we must have $j<k-m$ (i.e. $j\le k-m-1$).

Therefore, to have $a_{i\,j}b_{j\,k}\not=0$, we must have $i<k-m-1$ (i.e. $i\le k-m-2$).

Thus, for $i\ge k-m-1$ $$ (AB)_{i\,k}=\sum_{j=1}^na_{i\,j}b_{j\,k}=0\tag{1} $$ The matrix $A$ specified in the question has $a_{i\,j}=0$ for $i\ge j$. Using $(1)$ and induction, we have that $(A^m)_{i\,j}=0$ for $i\ge j-m+1$. This means that $(A^n)_{i\,j}=0$ for $i\ge j-n+1$, which means that $(A^n)_{i\,j}=0$ for all $1\le i,j\le n$.

Therefore, $A^n=0$.