How to delete .orig files after merge from git repository?

Best solution in this case is to keep it simple and get rid of those files independently of git:

cd /your/repo/directory
find . -name '*.orig' -delete 

Alternatively, in Windows/PowerShell, you can run the following command

cd \your\repo\directory
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter '*.orig' | Remove-Item

Try git clean more info you can find here or here

you can do:

git config --global mergetool.keepBackup false

For more info, refer to to Git mergetool generates unwanted .orig files

Unfortunately git clean doesn't work for me because I have *.orig added to my global gitignore file, so they're ignored from clean as well. Even running git clean -x is no good because I don't want all of my ignored files getting deleted. git clean -i is helpful, but really I don't want to have to review each and every file.

However, we can use an exclude pattern and negate the match. Preview with this command:

git clean -e '!*.orig' --dry-run

Then when you're confident, pass the force flag to really delete them:

git clean -e '!*.orig' -f

Based on leorleor's comment

You can ignore files using .gitignore

Just put *.orig in the list like shown here

for deleting current files you can create shell script and run from project folder like below

for file in `find *.orig -type f -print`
   echo "Deleting file $file"
   git rm $file -f       