VSCode single to double quote automatic replace

When I execute a Format Document command on a Vue Component.vue file VSCode replace all single quoted string with double quoted string.

In my specific case this rule conflicts with electron-vue lint configuration that require singlequote.

I don't have prettier extensions installed (no prettier.singleQuote in my setting)

How to customize VSCode to avoid this?

I dont have prettier extension installed, but after reading the possible duplicate answer I've added from scratch in my User Setting (UserSetting.json, Ctrl+, shortcut):

"prettier.singleQuote": true

A part a green warning (Unknown configuration setting) the single quotes are no more replaced.

I suspect that the prettier extension is not visible but is embedded inside the Vetur extension.

Well, like the guy (@user2982122) mentioned but instead of File go to Code -> Preferences -> Settings, then look for Quote, select Prettier and check both boxes

enter image description here enter image description here

For projects that use .editorconfig file by default. The formatter will ignore the rules in the settings and use the rules in .editorconfig, then you can either:

  • Remove .editorconfig file, and use your VSCode settings.
  • Add quote_type = single to the .editorconfig file regarding your file type. You can also set quote_type value to double or auto.

It looks like it is a bug open for this issue: Prettier Bug

None of above solution worked for me. The only thing that worked was, adding this line of code in package.json:

"prettier": {
    "singleQuote": true

From the vuejs/vetur issue page https://github.com/vuejs/vetur/issues/986# This solution worked for me.

In VSCodes settings.json file add this entry

"vetur.format.defaultFormatterOptions": {
    "prettier": {
        "singleQuote": true