What are the choices you can make to stay alive in One Chance?

Solution 1:

Yes, it is possible to discover the cure.

To discover it, you...

...just go to work every day that you can. Don't take Molly to park, don't stay home, don't celebrate, just work.

As far as I know, there's only one path, and the people that survive will be...

...just you and Molly as far as it shows. Although I guess that more could too that it doesn't show.

btw, you don't have to clear your cache to replay. I think that you can just use Private Browsing in Firefox, Incognito for Chrome, InPrivate in IE(ick), or a private tab/window in Opera. I only tested this with Firefox's, but I there tested it a lot. :P I got like every ending possible.

Solution 2:

Judging from the comments here - http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2010/12/07/last-night-one-chance/ - there's a few scenarios that don't involve everyone dying...my play-through wasn't one of them, but there seems to be something useful about taking Molly to the park on the second to last day.