Installing odbcins1debian2, broken dependency on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Solution 1:

This problems looks like you forgot to run sudo apt-get update before installing odbcinst1debian2. On focal this package does not depend on multiarch-support.

By the way multiarch-support may be installed manually:

cd ~/Downloads
sudo apt-get install ./multiarch-support_2.27-3ubuntu1.4_amd64.deb

Solution 2:

I had to sudo apt-get install unixodbc before adding Microsoft's source list, per here.

Solution 3:

As explained in comments and other answers, the issue comes from Microsoft advertising a more recent version of the packages.

However you may keep the Microsoft repository and set up a policy for it with a lower priority in /etc/apt/preferences :

Package: *
Pin-Priority: 1

Then use apt-get update and retry upgrading.