Can I use banshee from the command line?

According to man banshee, it is possible to control playback. I'm not sure about searching though.

Here are a few of the controls that you mentioned. Check the man page for many more.

    Play the next track, optionally restarting if the 'restart' value is set

    Play the previous track, optionally restarting if the 'restart value is set

    Completely stop playback

    Start playback

/usr/bin/banshee --next
/usr/bin/banshee --previous
/usr/bin/banshee --stop
/usr/bin/banshee --play

All those above can be used in XFCE for shortcuts on your keyboard, respectively for:


If you're looking to program an interface for Banshee (Other than just having the ability to send banshee --next or other control flag. Then you may be interested in the MPD - The Music Player Daemon which allows you to create your own interface or modify/use one of these Clients designed to work over MPD