Maven: Overview for the values of Maven properties

Solution 1:

As a workaround, add this to the <plugins> ... </plugins> section inside your project's pom.xml:

          <echoproperties />

Now execute mvn validate.
On the console, prefixed with [echoproperties], there will be the full list of system properties, including those set by Maven such as, basedir, and settings.localRepository.

Solution 2:

Not sure if helps, but I found this when trying to do the same thing:

mvn com.github.ekryd.echo-maven-plugin:echo-maven-plugin:echo -Decho.message='${}'

From here.

Adding the following to ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml:


the command can be shortened to:

mvn echo:echo -Decho.message='${}'

Solution 3:

I don't know how to get them "officially", but here is a workaround. Add maven-antrun-plugin to your project and run mvn test -X. The plugin will show all properties passed to it from Maven. The list looks complete to me.