Pause and Resume Lottie Animation

I'm implementing a Lottie animation and the entire animation works great! However, I would like to add a bit of code that will pause the animation after 30 frames which I can then resume after a certain amount of time. Here is the code so far:

animationView.playAnimation(0, 30)
animationView.addAnimatorListener(object : Animator.AnimatorListener {
   override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator) {
      if (isLoading == false) {
         //Everything has loaded. Continue Animation 
         //This line has no effect. The animation does not continue
         animationView.playAnimation(30, 60)
         //Resuming the animation just makes the animation disappear

What you can do is use progress from LottieAnimationView, threads and a flag, this will allow you to pause at a certain progress and resume exactly when you need to play your animation again.

I created the following example:


isAnimating = true // Setup your flag

thread {
    while (isAnimating){ // Loop that checks the progress of your animation
        if (animationView.progress >= 0.5f){// If animation reaches 50%
            runOnUiThread {
                animationView.pauseAnimation()// Pause Animation
            Thread.sleep(5000) // Pause for 5 seconds
            runOnUiThread {
                animationView.playAnimation(0.5f,1f) // Resume your animation from 50% to 100%
            isAnimating = false
        if(animationView.progress >= 1f){ // If animation reaches 100% stop animation
            runOnUiThread {
                isAnimating = false

animationView.setMinAndMaxProgress(0.0f, 0.5f);//set 50% animation //lottie version 2.7.0