OEM logo doesn't appear on startup

Ubuntu 20.04 comes with a new boot screen that is supposed to integrate the logo of the brand of your device. I've seen how this works on other devices, but not my laptop.

I upgraded from 19.10 yesterday, which I installed a few months ago as 16.04 and upgrading to 19.10. I'm not sure my device is Ubuntu-certified. It's a Dell Inspiron R17 N7110.

It's not a must-have feature, but I had my hopes up for a better boot screen (though even without the logo, I think it's a step up)

Solution 1:

You have to manually enable it.

In terminal:

  1. Install plymouth-theme-spinner.

    sudo apt install plymouth-theme-spinner

    This is the OEM Boot logo theme

  2. Update alternatives for Plymouth

    sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth

    It'll let you pick a default theme if more than one are installed.

  3. Select the /usr/share/plymouth/themes/bgrt/bgrt.plymouth theme.

  4. Finally run

    sudo update-initramfs -u

Then reboot.