How to set a text theme for plymouth?
I have Ubuntu 12.04 (beta) and I want to set a text theme for Plymouth, because I need to read what commands the PC is running on shutdown (because it freezes when I shutdown it), but the method I found googling ( How do I change the plymouth bootscreen? ) is not working: this is the ouput of update-alternatives --list default.plymouth
user@host:~$ update-alternatives --list default.plymouth
And the text themes are not displayed. How can I set a text theme for Plymouth?
Try this:
sudo update-alternatives --install /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth 10
and then
sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
Use the following to select the splash theme:
sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
And use the following to select the text-theme:
sudo update-alternatives --config text.plymouth