VLC not playing DVD and can't install libdvd-pkg in 20.10

enter image description hereIt comes up with message "Are you trying to play dvd without libdvdcss?" I have tried all the command line fixes listed including the one that says it's for Ubuntu 20 but all return variations on "not found". What am i missing? Screen grab was taken from response and cut/pasted directly into terminal

libdvd-pkg is in the multiverse repository; you need to enable that.

:~$apt policy libdvd-pkg
  Installed: 1.4.2-1-1
  Candidate: 1.4.2-1-1
  Version table:
 *** 1.4.2-1-1 500
        500 [redacted]/us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic/multiverse amd64 Packages
        500 [redacted]/us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic/multiverse i386 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

On my system (not 20.10) this can be done on the "Software and Updates" page.

enter image description here After enabling multiverse, you will have to enter the following two commands one by one.

sudo apt install libdvd-pkg
sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg

Have since found that you must "Open DVD" not an individual file on said DVD. VLC works if you do that doh!