How to disable "back" button on my mouse?

I have bought Microsoft Bluetooth Notebook Mouse 5000. It's working just as I want it except that "back" button on the left side. I constantly hit it with the thumb and browser goes back. I am not used to this behavior, since my older mouse didn't have such a button. I just want to get rid of it -- disable the button once and forever, so if I clicked it -- nothing should happen.

Solution 1:

Do you have the Microsoft IntelliPoint "Mouse Properties" installed? If not get over to here and download and then install it.

Once you have the first tab "Buttons" lets you configure the button actions. Just select then "Right side button" drop down and select "Disabled".

alt text

Click "OK" or "Apply" and you're done.

NOTE: "Back" is actually on the left side button, so just replace "right" with "left" in the above description if you really meant that button.

Solution 2:

I would like to throw out X-Mouse Button Control as a more generic program. For example, I'm currently using a Dell mouse with a non-Dell computer, and they have decided to lock their mouse drivers to only install on their own computers. X-Mouse should work with most mice:

The only real answer to that is to try it and see, but there are several tell tales signs. If you have a 5 button (or more) mouse and the 4th and 5th buttons perform back/next in your web browser then its almost certain XMBC will work for the first 5 buttons (XMBC does not support more than 5 buttons).

All I can say for sure is it works with the first 5 buttons of my Logitech MX518 Optical mouse, with or without the Logitech software installed.

It also works fine with my older (original) MS Intellimouse Optical Mouse.

You can also define multiple layers, and application specific profiles. So, you can have it behave as a back button on every program except your browser.

The appropriate button and drop down box will highlight when a button is pressed. You can use that to figure out which button does what, but I found Mouse Button 5 to be the back button on my mouse.

Screenshot of X-Mouse Button Control
Click for full size