Hyperlinking a piece of text in Excel

I'm using Excel 2010 and I have a simple problem where I need to hyperlink a certain part of my text. My cell content is as simple as "For blablabla, click here." I want to add a hyperlink to the "here".

Does anyone know how can I do this?

Solution 1:

I think Excel does not allow creating hyperlinks on only part of the text in a cell. The hyperlink can only be set on the complete cell.

But there is something you can do. You can make "here" look like hyperlink and the rest of the text look normal.

How to do it? Just get into the cell in edit mode (Press F2), select the text "For blabla.."; remove its underline and change the color to black.

This way you will have a visual feel of just "here" being a hyperlink but the other text will remain "clickable"! :)

Hope this helps!

Solution 2:

I add a shape (rectangle) that just covers the text I want the hyperlink on and then set: Fill: No fill Line Color: No line

Then I add hyperlink to the shape.

I have used this method in power points and it appears to work in Excel also.

Solution 3:

It can be done...

Assuming you have your excel file open, open a Word document. Type the text that you want to link to. (you will copy and paste this text into a cell in your excel file.)

After generating your desired text in the word document:

  1. Select the text (portion) you want to link to.
  2. On the Insert tab, in the Links group, click Bookmark.
  3. Under the bookmark name type a name for your Bookmark such as a topic name. (no spaces but underscores allowed.)
  4. Click Add
  5. Copy all of the text from the word document and paste it into your excel document (cell).
  6. Select the cell where you want to create a link to this new text
  7. Click Hyperlink
  8. On the left hand menu select "Place in this document"
  9. In the window to the right, you will see your Bookmark under "Defined Names"

enter image description here

This will take you to the text in the cell that you pasted.

Updated. You can rename the Link in the top "Text to Display" Entry.

Solution 4:

There is a way to hyperlink only certain text in one single cell.

="For blablabla, click "&=HYPERLINK("http://example.domain.com/link/to/open/index.html", "here")

What this does is make some text (For blablabla, click), and then adds a hyperlink to the end of the sentence (here). The result should look something like:

For blablabla, click here