Rails ActiveRecord Query for Not Equal

Rails 3.2.1

Is there a way (without squeel) to use the hash syntax of ActiveRecord to construct a != operator?

Something like Product.where(id: !params[:id])

Generates SELECT products.* FROM products WHERE id != 5

Looking for the opposite of Product.where(id: params[:id])


In rails 4 there is a not operator.

Product.where.not(id: params[:id])

You can use the following

Product.where('id != ?', params[:id])

Which will generate what you are looking for, while parameterizing the query.

With Rails 4, the following syntax has been added to support not clauses

Product.where.not(id: params[:id])

Add multiple clauses with chaining...

Product.where.not(id: params[:id]).where.not(category_id: params[:cat_id])

There isn't any built-in way to do this (as of Rails 3.2.13). However, you can easily build a method to help you out:

ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do
  def self.where_not(opts)
    params = []        
    sql = opts.map{|k, v| params << v; "#{quoted_table_name}.#{quote_column_name k} != ?"}.join(' AND ')
    where(sql, *params)

And then you can do:

Product.where_not(id: params[:id])


As @DanMclain answered - this is already done for you in Rails 4 (using where.not(...)).