Firefox installed by snap: how to open downloaded files?

Solution 1:

sudo snap remove firefox
sudo apt install firefox

I'm not sure why Ubuntu things it is cool to switch to the snap version, it only brings problems.

Users expect the browser to download files and "open" them. If you now download a file that you open, you can't find any application for it. The list is simply empty.

I understand running applications in containers is the way forward, but this is a huge oversight.

Solution 2:

Simplest way is to open Files and then go to Recent where you will find all the files you have recently opened.

Intuitively, you should be able to identify the file you downloaded

enter image description here

Other than that, in the topbar of FF is an Icon which relates to downloads. Left clisk with your mouse and you will be presented with files you have downloaded.

enter image description here