What does this beep code mean?

When I wanted to start my laptop today (an Acer Aspire 8920G), the laptop started beeping. I know this beeping is a POST error code, but I can not figure out which one it is. The motherboard of the laptop is manufactured by Phoenix, so I looked up these POST codes: http://www.bioscentral.com/beepcodes/phoenixbeep.htm

The beeping is in the form 1-1-1-1 (short beeps, repeating and even without ending), but this code is not mentioned by the manufacturer. Does anybody know what could be the problem?

I don't know if it is relevant, but since a couple of months the CMOS battery was degrading. The laptop couldn't keep track of the time. Maybe a failing CMOS battery could be the problem?

Solution 1:

Do you get the same beep code if you boot without the memory sticks ? Have you tried taking out the HDD and CD drives and booting without those too ?

If the HDD has developed a short circuit somewhere or the electrics have died, it will cause issues.

Solution 2:

From the Aspire 8920 Series Service Guide :

Battery critical LOW
In this situation BIOS will issue 4 short beeps then shut down system, no message will show

So I think that your battery is dead or dying. Try a replacement battery and see if it helps.

As you have tried booting without the battery and had the same problem, the never-ending 1-1 beeps are probably something else.

The other power-related item is the Power Supply Unit, although with a bad PSU there would be no POST at all. If you can hear the fan(s) working then it's not the PSU.

This leaves probably only the motherboard or the RAM, as for an error on a peripheral you would get a message on the screen. This is of course only a guess; only a professional with the right tools and replacement parts can correctly diagnose such a problem.

The most you can do yourself is clean up really well the motherboard and all contacts and visually inspect all circuits and capacitors. Take out the RAM, clean the contacts, and reseat. If you have more RAM sticks than the minimum for your motherboard, try only putting back that minimum in the right configuration and rotate if the problem occurs.

I don't know the age of your laptop, but as the Acer Aspire 8920 was released in 2008 it might not be worthwhile to pay for a professional.