Is it OK to buy a refurbished MacBook Pro?

They write on the refurb store:

We test and certify all Apple refurbished products and include a one-year warranty.

They are even eligible to the AppleCare program if you buy it up to 1 year after your purchase. So I don't see what problem you would face. It's a used device but verified, repackaged and certified by Apple.

Generally, Apple refurbs are indistinguishable from a new product aside from the packaging.

I've found to be very helpful for tracking which refurb models are in stock and past pricing. Often stock is limited but it changes daily.

I'm on my 2nd Apple refurb (MBP) and couldn't see buying any other way in the future unless I needed a bleeding-edge model.

The savings should at least pay for AppleCare (buy it on sale at Amazon!)

A) I've never had a problem buying refurbs (> 20 for work)

B) You may find little bonuses when opening up your new toy. More RAM/HD/SSD than advertised, because Apple often don't remove these from working systems. In addition, but on shakier ground (both legally and from a configuration management perspective), you may also encounter software packages installed on your 'new' Mac. Don't count on it, but it has happened to me twice. I wiped the machines but enjoyed the 'bumped' specs.

I bought a refurb Mac Book Pro in 2008. I still have it. A few months ago I replaced the HD with an SSD. I use it with Lion for iphone development work. After the Apple Care ran out, it had a small problem: some of the display backlights occasionally fail to light. This is not a problem when using a large, external monitor. The problem can also be solved by a restart.