How to assign alternate class to rows in Angular JS?

I want to assign alternate class to rows in a table. I am using ng-repeat on

<tr ng-repeat="event in events">

I want to get output like this:

<tr class="odd">...</tr>
<tr class="event">....</tr>

I've tried this (doesn't work):

<tr ng-repeat="event in events" class="$index % 2 == 0? 'event' : 'odd'">

I can't get it to work. Also it seems like Angular is using 'class' attribute to. Why is it doing so? Can I tell AngularJS not to use the class attribute for internal evaluations?

Please help. Thanks!

You should be using the angular directives ngClassEven and ngClassOdd for this.

Have a look at the documentation section for how to use them

Hope this helps.

From the Angular docs..

Use ng-class-odd ng-class-even

<li ng-repeat="name in names">
  <span ng-class-odd="'odd'" ng-class-even="'even'">

As @ganaraj states ng-class-odd and ng-class-even are the right way to do this, but for the benefit of searchers, your initial proposal wasn't far off working in Angular >=1.2.19.

Here is a closely related example of something that would have worked and would also work if coloring more than alternate rows (e.g. every 3 rows):

    .color0 {
        background-color: lightblue;

    .color1 {
        background-color: lightyellow;

    .color2 {
        background-color: lightgray;

<div ng-repeat="result in results" ng-class="'color' + ($index % 3)">

You can also use the ng-class-odd and ng-class-even directives directly within the ng-repeat directive.

<div class="cssOneProductRecord" 
   ng-class-even="'cssProductEven'" >

Which gives us nice alternating classes for each row:

enter image description here

This example is taken from the following page, which also demonstrates how to turn JSON data into a friendly, responsive Master-View page:

Master-Views using AngularJS

enter image description here