How to use Vuetify tabs with vue-router

I have the following jsfiddle that has two Vuetify tabs. The documentation doesn't show examples on using vue-router with them.

I found this post on how to use Vuetify with vue-router, which has the following code:

<div id="app">
  <v-tabs grow light>
      <v-tabs-item href="/" router>
      <v-tabs-item href="/dog" router>

  <router-view />

However, the code is now outdated as the Vuetify 1.0.13 Tabs documentation doesn't specify a router prop in their api, so the embedded example in the post doesn't work.

I also found this StackOverflow answer which had the following code:

<v-tabs-item :to="{path:'/path/to/somewhere'}">

However, using the to prop doesn't work and it's also not listed in the Vuetify api. In contrast, the v-button Vuetify component does list a to prop and utilizes vue-router, so I would expect a vue-router supported component to support the to prop.

Digging around in the old old Vuetify 0.17 docs, the to prop is specified for v-tabs-item. It seems that support might have been removed in 1.0.13.

How can I use vue-router with Vuetify tabs?


Holy wow! I asked the Vuetify community to add documentation to their api, and it looks like they just added the to prop as well as other vue-router props to the Vuetify tabs docs. Seriously, the community there is awesome.

Original Answer

The folks in the Vuetify community Discord were able to help me out. My updated jsfiddle now has the working code.

Essentially, v-tab is a wrapper for router-link, where I assume it uses slots to pass props to router-link, so putting the to prop on v-tab works fine.

The following code is an example of the working code:


<v-app dark>
  <v-tabs fixed-tabs>
    <v-tab to="/foo">Foo</v-tab>
    <v-tab to="/bar">Bar</v-tab>


const Foo = {
  template: '<div>Foo component!</div>'

const Bar = {
  template: '<div>Bar component!</div>'

const routes = [
  { path: '/foo', component: Foo },
  { path: '/bar', component: Bar },

const router = new VueRouter({ routes });

new Vue({
  el: '#app',


Foo tab example Bar tab example

The template part:

      <v-tab v-for="tab in tabs" :key="" :to="tab.route" exact>
        {{ }}

And the js part:

  data() {
    return {
      activeTab: `/user/${}`,
      tabs: [
        { id: 1, name: "Task", route: `/user/${}` },
        { id: 2, name: "Project", route: `/user/${}/project` }


  path: "/user/:id",
  component: User1,
  props: true,
  children: [
      path: "", //selected tab by default
      component: TaskTab
      path: "project",
      component: ProjectTab

See codesanbox example

I'm just adding some animation-related tips here & clarifying the use of v-tab-items vs v-tab-item.

If you have noticed, using the working markup as follows prevents the v-tabs tab switch animation to work:

<v-tabs v-model="activeTab">
  <v-tab key="tab-1" to="/tab-url-1">tab 1</v-tab>
  <v-tab key="tab-2" to="/tab-url-2">tab 2</v-tab>
<router-view />

If you want to keep the tab switch animation, this is a way to do it.

<v-tabs v-model="activeTab">
  <v-tab key="tab-1" to="/tab-url-1" ripple>
    tab 1
  <v-tab key="tab-2" to="/tab-url-2" ripple>
    tab 2

  <v-tab-item id="/tab-url-1">
    <router-view v-if="activeTab === '/tab-url-1'" />
  <v-tab-item id="/tab-url-2">
    <router-view v-if="activeTab === '/tab-url-2'" />

Note that you can also use a v-for loop on your v-tab and v-tab-item tags as long as your to value is found among the id attribute of your v-tab-items.

If you need to place your tab contents in a different place than your tabs buttons, this is what v-tab-items is for. You can place the v-tab-items in a v-tab-items tag outside of the v-tabs component. Make sure you give it a v-model="activeTab" attribute.

The answers of @roli-roli and @antoni are currect but lacking of a tiny detail. In fact, using their methods (almost equivalent) there is an issue in mobile views; in fact, in such conditions tabs become swipeable. The problem is that swiping won't update the route as expected, passing from Tab A with component A to Tab B with component B; instead, an animation will be fired and the activeTab will change, but the router won't update.

TL;DR Swiping the v-tab-item does not update the router, and you get the same component under each tab.

Solutions could be either disable the swipeability of v-tab-item or listening to the change event of the tab component to update the router accordingly. I would advise this second solution (since swiping results pretty handy in some conditions), but I thik that this would trigger twice the router update when clicking on the tab's label.

Here's a working example based on @roli-roli answer


    <v-tabs v-model="activeTab">
        <v-tab v-for="tab in tabs" :key="" :to="tab.route">{{ }}</v-tab>

        <v-tabs-items v-model="activeTab" @change="updateRouter($event)">
            <v-tab-item v-for="tab in tabs" :key="" :to="tab.route">
                <router-view />          


export default {
    data: () => ({
        activeTab: '',
        tabs: [
            {id: '1', name: 'Tab A', route: 'component-a'},
            {id: '2', name: 'Tab B', route: 'component-b'}
    methods: {


Set up as in previous answers.