Can I resize the screen resolution of a remote desktop session?

Is it possible to change the screen resolution of a Windows remote desktop session after I'm already logged on?

For example: it's set for fullscreen but afterwards I want to make the window smaller but now it's Windowed with scrollbars etc. making it a real pain.

Basically what I'm hoping for is like when you resize a VMWare session, the guest OS can resize the resolution and everything works beautifully.

About your only hope is to DISCONNECT the session (leaving it running by closing the RDP session without logging out), and then reconnect using a different resolution. Of course this will all depend on the server remote session settings, etc. This works in 2003/2008. No idea if it will work in 2000. The screen scaling in the VMWare client (and the old McAfeee RDesktop32) was very nice.

mstsc.exe /v server.dns.local /w 800 /h 600

Or something like that, will do it for you. Not really "on the fly" though.

Add the following line to the RDP file (open with notepad):

smart sizing:i:1

No, not until you close that particular remote desktop connection. I think that the reason for this is becasue some older applications retrieve the colordepth and resolution on start and crash when they change suddenly.