Does Windows have a checksumming filesystem like ZFS or BtrFS?

Windows is somewhat famous for having one and only one filesystem, NTFS. I also have been unable to dig out anything that suggests NTFS has checksumming. The closest I've come is a document describing the checksum protecting the GPT blocks on a dynamic disk. The "What's New in 2008" doc doesn't show anything like that for NTFS (link).

EXT4 uses journal checksumming, but not data checksumming.

GPFS also does journal checksumming.

The idea is new enough it isn't in a lot of file-systems yet. Btrfs is still 'experimental' in Linux, and ext4 is recently out of that state.

Some ZFS-like features can also be had with other file systems by introducing a logical volume manager to create virtual devices. Logical volume managment on windows is referred to as dynamic disks and volumes. RAID-0, RAID-1 and RAID-5 modes are supported.

When you heard that "checksumming is supported" on windows, it probably referred to the fault tolerance of RAID-1 and RAID-5. However in reality these modes only protect against easily detectable device failures (disk missing, read errors, file system corrupted...). Checksumming all data is not supported so subtle data corruption can go undetected.