cURL or SSL problems, how to solve?

I keep getting this error:

No cURL data returned for https://XXX.XXXX.XXX:XXXX [0] SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

I am not sure, or I could say, I dont know what is this problem. And how to solve this? Please help!

The error is fairly clear. Essentially what is happening is that the cert on the remote end is either self signed, or signed by an authority that wget isn't recognizing. You can pass the following command while invoking wget to get it to ignore cert errors:


You can also use the --insecure option to bypass SSL verification

curl -k

curl -k


Curl is objecting to the SSL certificate provided by the HTTPS server. Assuming the cert is valid in the first place, you may need to add the authorizing servers to the certificate chain in your curl-ca-bundle.crt.