How do you get the latest update for Java 6?

Solution 1:

An application my company is considering buying requires Java 6.

You should push back against this decision. There is really no excuse for purchasing a new application that is tied to a depreciated product that no longer receives security updates. You're brand new application already comes with substantial technical debt instead of eliminating existing debt. Please do yourself and your organization a favor and lobby hard for another application or push the company for an update of the application that works with Java 7.

If you must use this application you can find Java 6 SE in the Java Archive. Be FOREWARNED, Oracle will not provide any updates for Java 6 unless you pay for extended support. If your organization goes forward with this purchase, make sure you include the cost of Oracle's extended support in the capital item for the application as it is a dependency that needs security patching and support along with the application it supports.

Solution 2:

Oracle's pretty hostile, and wants more money from the Sun tech they spent so much on - security for end users (who can't afford $10k for basic updates) be damned. You're almost certainly looking at a large bill if you go the paid support route to get the JRE 6 updates - I'm not seeing anything you're missing that would be any cheaper.


  • What OS is this running on? Maybe use OpenJDK instead of the Sun JRE? I've never tried to use OpenJDK on Windows, but it looks like some options are out there.
  • I've seen several products that claim to require JRE 6 that run fine in 7 - maybe just try it with 7 and see what breaks?