Adding git branch to bash prompt on snow leopard
I am using this:
$(__git_ps1 '(%s)')
It works however it does not update when I change directories or checkout a new branch. I also have this alias:
alias reload='. ~/.bash_profile'
Sample run:
user@machine:~/dev/rails$cd git_folder/
user@machine:~/dev/rails/git_folder(test)$git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
As you can see it is being set correctly but only if I reload bash_profile. I have wasted way to much time on this. I am using bash on snow leopard. Please help!
Edit: You can see my dotfiles on github and the file setting the PS1 here
Solution 1:
Okay problem solved.
I was doing:
export PS1="$(__git_ps1 '(%s)')"
and I needed to do:
export PS1="\$(__git_ps1 '(%s)')"
You need to escapee the dollar sign otherwise it is just run once and substituted in.