Removing a Program from Windows 7's Start Menu forever?

Windows 7 maintains a list of recently used applications. As soon as you begin to use other programs more often, it will no longer appear in the list.

To remove it forever, simply locate the Start Menu entry and remove it from the list. (You can easily reach your user-specific list by right-clicking on "All programs" and choosing "Open", or "Open All Users" for the system-wide Start Menu.

As far as I know, you cannot specifically exclude one application. You can, however, disable displaying recently used programs on the Start Menu. To do this:

  1. Click Start
  2. Right-click on All Programs and select Properties
  3. Under the tab Start Menu, uncheck the first option in Privacy (and optionally the second option as well)

I have had the same problem several months ago. I didn't find a solution (which however doesn't mean it doesn't exits), so I have simply deleted the program from Start Menu, like Paul suggested and pinned it to taskbar.