Can't save a Photoshop file on a Mac while Google Drive is syncing

Solution 1:

There's isn't a satisfactory solution to this in my opinion, let me give you a few options.

1) Use Google Drive when you're done working with the file. After closing it, put it in you Google Drive instead of constantly saving the file while it's located in your Google Drive.

2) Use an alternative backup / version control / sharing software. My personal favorite is PixelNovel Timeline, which uses Subversion to control your library. Subversion is made mainly for code and not so much binary files like graphics, but Timeline does a good job in creating a bridge between the worlds.

Here's a screenshot on how Timeline looks.

Timeline from PixelNovel

Solution 2:

I was having the same problem which is why I found this thread.

I had switched to Google Drive because it gives more free space than Microsoft's OneDrive. After reading there is no good solution to this nearly show-stopping problem, I went back to OneDrive for certain files like photoshop and animation (Maxon). OneDrive does not share this behavior, at least on my Windows 10 machine, so it allows saving files exactly as you and I want.