What is the reason for batch file path referenced with %~dp0 sometimes changes on changing directory?

This question started the discussion on this point, and some testing was done to determine why. So, after some debugging inside cmd.exe ... (this is for a 32 bit Windows XP cmd.exe but as the behaviour is consistent on newer system versions, probably the same or similar code is used)

Inside Jeb's answer is stated

It's a problem with the quotes and %~0.
cmd.exe handles %~0 in a special way

and here Jeb is correct.

Inside the current context of the running batch file there is a reference to the current batch file, a "variable" containing the full path and file name of the running batch file.

When a variable is accessed, its value is retrieved from a list of available variables but if the variable requested is %0, and some modifier has been requested (~ is used) then the data in the running batch reference "variable" is used.

But the usage of ~ has another effect in the variables. If the value is quoted, quotes are removed. And here there is a bug in the code. It is coded something like (here simplified assembler to pseudocode)

value = varList[varName]
if (value && value[0] == quote ){
    value = unquote(value)
} else if (varName == '0') {
    value = batchFullName

And yes, this means that when the batch file is quoted, the first part of the if is executed and the full reference to the batch file is not used, instead the value retrieved is the string used to reference the batch file when calling it.

What happens then? If when the batch file was called the full path was used, then there will be no problem. But if the full path is not used in the call, any element in the path not present in the batch call needs to be retrieved. This retrieval assumes relative paths.

A simple batch file (test.cmd)

@echo off
echo %~f0

When called using test (no extension, no quotes), we obtain c:\somewhere\test.cmd

When called using "test" (no extension, quotes), we obtain c:\somewhere\test

In the first case, without quotes, the correct internal value is used. In the second case, as the call is quoted, the string used to call the batch file ("test") is unquoted and used. As we are requesting a full path, it is considered a relative reference to something called test.

This is the why. How to solve?

From the C# code

  • Don't use quotes : cmd /c batchfile.cmd

  • If quotes are needed, use the full path in the call to the batch file. That way %0 contains all the needed information.

From the batch file

Batch file can be invoked in any way from any place. The only reliable way to retrieve the information of the current batch file is to use a subroutine. If any modifier (~) is used, the %0 will use the internal "variable" to obtain the data.

@echo off
    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

    call :getCurrentBatch batch
    echo %batch%

    exit /b

:getCurrentBatch variableName
    set "%~1=%~f0"
    goto :eof

This will echo to console the full path to the current batch file independtly of how you call the file, with or without quotes.

note: Why does it work? Why the %~f0 reference inside a subroutine return a different value? The data accessed from inside the subroutine is not the same. When the call is executed, a new batch file context is created in memory, and the internal "variable" is used to initialize this context.

I'll try to explain why this behaves so oddly. A rather technical and long-winded story, I'll try to keep it condense. Starting point for this problem is:

   ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = false;

You'll see that if you omit this statement or assign true that it works as you expected.

Windows provides two basic ways to start programs, ShellExecuteEx() and CreateProcess(). The UseShellExecute property selects between those two. The former is the "smart and friendly" version, it knows a lot about the way the shell works for example. Which is why you can, say, pass the path to an arbitrary file like "foo.doc". It knows how to look up the file association for .doc files and find the .exe file that knows how to open foo.doc.

CreateProcess() is the low-level winapi function, there's very little glue between it and the native kernel function (NtCreateProcess). Note the first two arguments of the function, lpApplicationName and lpCommandLine, you can easily match them to the two ProcessStartInfo properties.

What is not so visible that CreateProcess() provides two distinct ways to start a program. The first one is where you leave lpApplicationName set to an empty string and use lpCommandLine to provide the entire command line. That makes CreateProcess friendly, it automatically expands the application name to the full path after it has located the executable. So, for example, "cmd.exe" gets expanded to "c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe". But it does not do this when you use the lpApplicationName argument, it passes the string as-is.

This quirk has an effect on programs that depend on the exact way the command line is specified. Particularly so for C programs, they assume that argv[0] contains the path to their executable file. And it has an effect on %~dp0, it too uses that argument. And flounders in your case since the path it works with is just "mybatfile.bat" instead of, say, "c:\temp\mybatfile.bat". Which makes it return the current directory instead of "c:\temp".

So what your are supposed to do, and this is totally under-documented in the .NET Framework documentation, is that it is now up to you to pass the full path name to the file. So the proper code should look like:

   string path = @"c:\temp";   // Dir where batch file resides
   string batfile = System.IO.Path.Combine(path, "mybatfile.bat");
   ProcessStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(batfile);

And you'll see that %~dp0 now expands as you expected. It is using path instead of the current directory.