How to bind an enum to a combobox control in WPF?

You can do it from code by placing the following code in Window Loaded event handler, for example:

yourComboBox.ItemsSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(EffectStyle)).Cast<EffectStyle>();

If you need to bind it in XAML you need to use ObjectDataProvider to create object available as binding source:

<Window x:Class="YourNamespace.MainWindow"
        <ObjectDataProvider x:Key="dataFromEnum" MethodName="GetValues"
                            ObjectType="{x:Type System:Enum}">
                <x:Type TypeName="StyleAlias:EffectStyle"/>
        <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource dataFromEnum}}"
                  SelectedItem="{Binding Path=CurrentEffectStyle}" />

Draw attention on the next code:


Guide how to map namespace and assembly you can read on MSDN.

I like for all objects that I'm binding to be defined in my ViewModel, so I try to avoid using <ObjectDataProvider> in the xaml when possible.

My solution uses no data defined in the View and no code-behind. Only a DataBinding, a reusable ValueConverter, a method to get a collection of descriptions for any Enum type, and a single property in the ViewModel to bind to.

When I want to bind an Enum to a ComboBox the text I want to display never matches the values of the Enum, so I use the [Description()] attribute to give it the text that I actually want to see in the ComboBox. If I had an enum of days of the week, it would look something like this:

public enum DayOfWeek
  // add an optional blank value for default/no selection
  NOT_SET = 0,

First I created helper class with a couple methods to deal with enums. One method gets a description for a specific value, the other method gets all values and their descriptions for a type.

public static class EnumHelper
  public static string Description(this Enum value)
    var attributes = value.GetType().GetField(value.ToString()).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false);
    if (attributes.Any())
      return (attributes.First() as DescriptionAttribute).Description;

    // If no description is found, the least we can do is replace underscores with spaces
    // You can add your own custom default formatting logic here
    TextInfo ti = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo;
    return ti.ToTitleCase(ti.ToLower(value.ToString().Replace("_", " ")));

  public static IEnumerable<ValueDescription> GetAllValuesAndDescriptions(Type t)
    if (!t.IsEnum)
      throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(t)} must be an enum type");

    return Enum.GetValues(t).Cast<Enum>().Select((e) => new ValueDescription() { Value = e, Description = e.Description() }).ToList();

Next, we create a ValueConverter. Inheriting from MarkupExtension makes it easier to use in XAML so we don't have to declare it as a resource.

[ValueConversion(typeof(Enum), typeof(IEnumerable<ValueDescription>))]
public class EnumToCollectionConverter : MarkupExtension, IValueConverter
  public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
    return EnumHelper.GetAllValuesAndDescriptions(value.GetType());
  public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
    return null;
  public override object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
    return this;

My ViewModel only needs 1 property that my View can bind to for both the SelectedValue and ItemsSource of the combobox:

private DayOfWeek dayOfWeek;

public DayOfWeek SelectedDay
  get { return dayOfWeek; }
    if (dayOfWeek != value)
      dayOfWeek = value;

And finally to bind the ComboBox view (using the ValueConverter in the ItemsSource binding)...

<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=SelectedDay, Converter={x:EnumToCollectionConverter}, Mode=OneTime}"
          SelectedValue="{Binding Path=SelectedDay}" />

To implement this solution you only need to copy my EnumHelper class and EnumToCollectionConverter class. They will work with any enums. Also, I didn't include it here, but the ValueDescription class is just a simple class with 2 public object properties, one called Value, one called Description. You can create that yourself or you can change the code to use a Tuple<object, object> or KeyValuePair<object, object>

I used another solution using MarkupExtension.

  1. I made class which provides items source:

    public class EnumToItemsSource : MarkupExtension
        private readonly Type _type;
        public EnumToItemsSource(Type type)
            _type = type;
        public override object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            return Enum.GetValues(_type)
                .Select(e => new { Value = (int)e, DisplayName = e.ToString() });
  2. That's almost all... Now use it in XAML:

        <ComboBox DisplayMemberPath="DisplayName"
              ItemsSource="{persons:EnumToItemsSource {x:Type enums:States}}"
              SelectedValue="{Binding Path=WhereEverYouWant}"
              SelectedValuePath="Value" />
  3. Change 'enums:States' to your enum