Where is jarsigner?

Solution 1:

It's in the bin folder of your java JDK install (Java SE). If you only have the JRE installed you probably don't have it.

Solution 2:


You can find jarsigner there. Install jdk first.

Solution 3:

For posterity's sake, if you are trying to actually use jarsigner to sign a jar file (such as that of an applet) with a keystore, you'll need to reference jarsigner while running the command from the folder that your keystore is in:

cd "C:\Program Files\Java\jre(version#)\bin"


"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk(version#)\bin\jarsigner.exe" -keystore mykeystore (PATH TO YOUR .JAR)\MyJarFile.jar alias

The above might be obvious, but it took me a few tries because I was trying to call jarsigner while inside the JDK folder, which had no knowledge of where my keystore was (in the jre directory!), so I hope this will help those who would like to see a usable syntax for that situation.

Solution 4:

If you are on Mac or Linux, just go to the terminal and type in:

whereis jarsigner

It will give you the location of the jarsigner

Solution 5:

If you can't find it, download and install Java JDK from here