What nintendo wii games require you to use a nunchuk controller? i.e. Is it worth getting one? [closed]

Not looking for a definitive list or anything but of the most popular Wii titles, which ones require you to use a nunchuk controller?

Also, are there games that optionally allow use of the nunchuk controller?

Edit: Or to phrase this question a different way - my 3 kids will be getting a Wii for Christmas and I'd like to know if it's worthwhile getting 3 nunchuk controllers? Games they'll be interested in: Super Mario (Bros,Galaxy 1 & 2, Kart), Lego Star Wars, Zelda, ...

Very many games use the nunchuk.

The Super Mario Galaxy games require the nunchuk; both are very popular.

Mario Kart Wii can be played with a whole host of control schemes, though I feel that nunchuk + Wiimote is one of the more accurate ways to play. One of the schemes is the standalone Wiimote (with optional steering wheel, but it's the same scheme).

New Super Mario Bros. does not require the nunchuk, and I believe there isn't even an option to use one.

Regarding your amended question, yes, I would strongly recommend picking up at least one nunchuk. Ideally you'll want as many nunchuks as Wiimotes, however one should be enough given the games they're interested in.

Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2: 1 nunchuk max.

New Super Mario Bros.: 4 nunchuks max (thanks to Josh).

Mario Kart: 4 nunchuks max, 0 nunchuks min. Depends entirely on the way they like to play it, not worth getting more than one nunchuk for this straight off the bat. Not worth bothering with extra steering wheels either, in my opinion.

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess requires the nunchuck

Super Smash Brothers Melee has an option to use the nunchuck, and personally I prefer it.