Is there a concise term for being over-aware of bad news happening?

That was probably a terrible title, but I'm looking for a word or phrase to describe this concept.

We all probably have a relative like this, they feel that the world is "going to hell" around them - except that isn't true, we have 24x7 media and the internet, so the bad stuff that already exists is just much more visible and perceptible than it used to be.

In the early 90's it was "stranger danger" and daytime talk shows having moms scared out of their wits that there was a child molester hanging around every corner, just waiting to snatch their loved ones away. (Nevermind the fact that the numbers of these crimes have stayed roughly stable, trending down for a long time)

Today it's computer hackers and the NSA.

How do you describe a person who is over-aware of bad news and has lost perspective, or the mental state of being in this condition?

Solution 1:

The closest I can find to what you're describing is "news-induced" or "media-induced" anxiety. A quick search does not indicate widespread adoption of this as a catchphrase, but it seems like a sensible fit.

"Stranger danger", as you cite, is something that arose out of a particular kind of bad news that was prevalent at the time. I am not aware of any similar catchphrases around computer hackers, spying, terrorism, etc.

In mental terms, someone excessively worried about such things might be "hypervigilant" or suffering from "anxiety disorder". Or just plain "paranoid".

There are some generic idioms about "jumping at every shadow" or thinking that "danger lurks around every corner", but I think those are probably too broad for what you're looking for.

Solution 2:

A person who is over-aware of bad news might be a worrywart, “A person who worries excessively, especially about unimportant matters”. The term hypochondriac (meaning someone who is excessively preoccupied or worried about illness) isn't precisely applicable to worrying about non-medical matters, but sometimes is so used anyway.

Regarding loss of perspective, a relevant sense of Chicken Little is “one who panics at the slightest provocation”. Another sense is someone “running around claiming the sky is about to fall”.

Also consider naysayer (“One who consistently denies, criticizes, or doubts; a detractor”).