Is there a way to filter mail based on timestamp rather than just date in Thunderbird

In thunderbird, we can filter mail based on a number of constraints including date. But, I don't see a way to use timestamp to filter rather than date alone.

Is there no way for it? Sounds strange imo.

Well, you can filter incoming mail on a timestamp, in a roundabout way.

  1. Go to "Edit / Find... / Search messages..." or press Ctrl + Shift + F.

  2. Click on the Subject dropdown field and click "Customise...".

  3. In the New Message Header field, type Date (or Delivery-date, or Received, all of these may work)

  4. Click Add.

  5. In the input field, type an exact date string like 05 Feb 2017 21:09. Leave the middle field at Contains.

  6. Click Search.

Your search will turn up all messages that were received at that time. You can't, unfortunately, search for messages received before or after a certain timestamp. For this, you need to widen the criteria, then sort on "Date received".