How to counter Hellbats in the field?

Solution 1:


  • Costs: 100 Minerals
  • Hitpoints: 135
  • Armor: 0
  • Light Unit
  • Damage: 18 (+12 vs light) (splash radius 45)

enter image description here


  • You can easily counter the Hellbat with what ever you like. If your enemy would go mass Hellbat, there is no way you should lose.

    If you Mech: Siege Tanks, Hellbats and Thors together with Vikings
    and Medivacs. It will always come down to who has the most, and best upgrades. Medivacs will heal your Hellbats! If you Mech play as T, I always find it important to have a lot off Hellbats guarding my tanks.

    If you bio: Your bio has a longer range than the Hellbat, and can
    easily be kited. They die rather fast to Marauders too.

    You can also add Widow Mines along side your main army - just
    remember to get the quick burrow research!!!


  • Note that it is a light unit. If you are caught off guard or forgot to scout. Get your Banelings out ASAP. (always get Baneling speed upgrade)

    If you are playing a Mech Terran in general, and you scout this. You can go for Ling, Bling and Mutas. Again - it all comes down to number and how well you micro.

    But the hard counter would Banelings first, then Zerglings on the follow up. Mutas is again a no-brainer!


  • Note that Hellbats eat Zealots, so forget about them if the T masses.

    Stalkers can easily kite the Hellbat. So if you would go for a Stalker heavy army, you shouldent have any real issues dealing with the Hellbats. So I will always recommend Stalkers versus mass