Sent email disappeared, heard 'sent' whoosh, but it's not in the Sent file

Wrote email, sent it off, heard whoosh sound, assumed it was done.

Not so.

Cannot find the email anywhere, least of all where it should be: in the Sent File.

Tried various setting options - advanced to tick off the 'sent' option on iPad (nothing) and cannot get it to go to the web server where it was in the first place, but then somehow switched.

I just want to see what I sent, that's all. Please help - I've tried everything I could think of.

Solution 1:

Login to your email provider and see if the email is visible there (ex: if a gmail account).

Solution 2:

The iOS Mail app will give you the swoosh sound regardless of if the email is sent or not.

If for some reason there is a problem the email may be placed in an Outbox mail box that only shows for this reason.

This will hold the message until it can be sent.

enter image description here

Here you can see I replicated this by turning on Airplane mode. Which in this case I did get the swoosh. ( And before anyone says it. I know I would be warned about airplane mode but this is just to force the issue, since I do not have one ;-) )