Easiest place to find loot Goliaths and make god-liaths

Loot Goliaths are just rare forms of the standard Goliaths, so the best place to farm them is wherever you find Goliaths. Tundra Express has several large bandit encampments, and I tend to find them and the slot machine Goliaths regularly on this particular map. (In fact, I found one just last night right outside Tiny Tina's...)

Since they're rare, you're not going to see them often. I don't think they're particularly good for farming loot compared to other methods, given their rarity.

Farming a God-Liath requires that you have a somewhat powerful Goliath, and enough enemies to level him completely up.

Good spots to farm these guys balance three factors:

  • If the Goliath is too weak, he'll lose to the enemies
  • If there aren't enough enemy spawns, he won't level up enough
  • If he's too tough, you won't be able to kill him after he maxes out

Again, there are a lot of bandits in Tundra Express. I don't like Frostburn Canyon for this because the flamethrower nomads tend to make short work of Goliaths. When I did this for the achievement, I did it twice in Eridium Blight. There's a fairly large encampment of bandits up on the hill near Grandma's House.