It seems your makefile didn't include the appropriate .so file. You can correct this problem with the steps below:

  1. Install sqlite-devel (or libsqlite3-dev on some Debian-based systems)
  2. Re-configure and re-compiled Python with ./configure --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions && make && sudo make install


The sudo make install part will set that python version to be the system-wide standard, which can have unforseen consequences. If you run this command on your workstation, you'll probably want to have it installed alongside the existing python, which can be done with sudo make altinstall.

I had the same problem (building python2.5 from source on Ubuntu Lucid), and import sqlite3 threw this same exception. I've installed libsqlite3-dev from the package manager, recompiled python2.5, and then the import worked.

I had the same problem with Python 3.5 on Ubuntu while using pyenv.

If you're installing the python using pyenv, it's listed as one of the common build problems. To solve it, remove the installed python version, install the requirements (for this particular case libsqlite3-dev), then reinstall the python version with

pyenv install <python-version> 

Then recreate virtualenv if needed.

This is what I did to get it to work.

I am using pythonbrew(which is using pip) with python 2.7.5 installed.

I first did what Zubair(above) said and ran this command:

sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev

Then I ran this command:

pip install pysqlite

This fixed the database problem and I got confirmation of this when I ran:

python syncdb

  1. Install the sqlite-devel package:

    yum install sqlite-devel -y

  2. Recompile python from the source:

    make altinstall