Is there an API to force Facebook to scrape a page again?

Solution 1:

Page metadata isn't the sort of thing that should change very often, but you can manually clear the cache by going to Facebook's Debug Tool and entering the URL you want to scrape

There's also an API for doing this, which works for any OG object:

curl -X POST \
     -F "id={object-url OR object-id}" \
     -F "scrape=true" \
     -F "access_token={your access token}" \

An access_token is now required. This can be an app or page access_token; no user authentication is required.

Solution 2:

If you'd like to do this in PHP in a with-out waiting for a reply, the following function will do this:

//Provide a URL in $url to empty the OG cache
function clear_open_graph_cache($url, $token) {
  $vars = array('id' => $url, 'scrape' => 'true', 'access_token' => $token);
  $body = http_build_query($vars);

  $fp = fsockopen('ssl://', 443);
  fwrite($fp, "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n");
  fwrite($fp, "Host:\r\n");
  fwrite($fp, "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n");
  fwrite($fp, "Content-Length: ".strlen($body)."\r\n");
  fwrite($fp, "Connection: close\r\n");
  fwrite($fp, "\r\n");
  fwrite($fp, $body);

Solution 3:

If you're using the javascript sdk, the version of this you'd want to use is

FB.api('', 'post', {
            id: [your-updated-or-new-link],
            scrape: true
        }, function(response) {

I happen to like promises, so an alternate version using jQuery Deferreds might be

function scrapeLink(url){
    var masterdfd = $.Deferred();
    FB.api('', 'post', {
        id: [your-updated-or-new-link],
        scrape: true
    }, function(response) {
        if(!response || response.error){
    return masterdfd;


    //now the link should be scraped/rescraped and ready to use

Note that the scraper can take varying amounts of time to complete, so no guarantees that it will be quick. Nor do I know what Facebook thinks about repeated or automated usages of this method, so it probably pays to be judicious and conservative about using it.