Force chrome to use my preferred font over the author's

I browse the web often, and sometimes I get tired by the type of font.
I'd like to choose my own font for rendering webpages, so that it has precedence over the website font. I'm using chrome and I've accessed:
settings=> Show advanced settings… =>Web Content=>Customize fonts
That works only when no font was specified by the website.
This is not from the perspective of a webdeveloper this is the other way around.

I'm pretty comfortable with a chrome extension called "Read Mode" very readable. A drawback is improper display of quoted text. So I'm sticking with it till I find a better alternative.

Edit: Find out another one, it is a JavaScript bookmarklet, put the following line in the location bar(where you put website adresses like and hit ENTER :"*"),
function(e){ ="Source Sans Pro"})

Replace Source Sans Pro with your preferred font.

If you don't want to type this every time, bookmark it and click on it whenever you try to change the font.

Improved upon the accepted answer by creating a TamperMonkey script so that it applies to all websites by default:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Force font
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Sets the font on all websites to Consolas
// @author       You
// @match        *://*/*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';"*"), function(e){ ="Consolas"})

I use Force Font. It doesn't completely work for a lot of Google websites, but it's worth a try as it works for all the other sites I use.