How to run init.d scripts on Windows WSL?

Solution 1:

The following bash script works for me.. Note the continue operator is needed to skip scripts that fail, and the start argument is needed by most service scripts.. i believe

for f in /etc/init.d/*; do sh "$f" start || continue; done ;

Solution 2:

This is just a general direction (it is how I did it) - maybe someone can improve the idea.

Whenever LxssManager service is started (restarted) there are 2 entries in Event Viewer -> Windows Logs -> Security

Audit Success Sun 13.01.2019 13:34:52 Microsoft Windows security auditing. 4672 Special Logon Audit Success Sun 13.01.2019 13:34:52 Microsoft Windows security auditing. 4624 Logon

If you right click the one with "Special logon" in task category column you can "Attach task to this event" with folowing actions (using Task Scheduler)

Program/script: C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe and with Arguments: /usr/bin/ (or any other .sh file you have created)

On the linux side create .sh file to start your service within Linux (this is how I did it):

create and put it into /usr/bin/

My looks like:

sudo service apache2 start

If your script requires linux authentication you can use

ubuntu config --default-user root (will set default user as root ) - run this from cmd.exe with admin privileges.

For more on this

This seems like nice automated hussle free method (at least to me)