What is the optimal monitor setup? [closed]

I currently use 2 monitors. A 19" and an old 15". I love having dual output as I can use the 2nd one to show my emails or a web browser while I work on my main monitor.

I would like to upgrade, probably replacing the 15" with a 24" with a 2048 resolution so that I can fit 2 web browser windows side by side.

What else should take into consideration?

  • Optimal number of screens, sould I instead buy a 3rd monitor?
  • Standardise size/resoltuion rather than having ones that differ?
  • Makes/brands?
  • Dual monitor software to use?

What is the optimal setup in your opinion?

Solution 1:

Many consider a three monitor setup optimal.

See this:

  • http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000740.html
  • http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000012.html
  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6231/whats-your-ideal-multiple-monitor-setup-for-programming

It's best if all monitors have the same resolution, size and color settings, but even a setup with two highly different monitors can provide a huge productivity boost compared to a single-monitor setup.

Solution 2:

I personally like to make sure that my dual monitors are running the same resolution. Changing focus between monitors with different resolutions, particularly anything with text that then resizes, used to cause me headaches after extended periods of use.

In terms of software, I always go for UltraMon.