Oculus Keeps Saying I Don't Meet Minumum Requirements

I have had my Oculus Rift S for a while now, but today it started saying in the main menu that my computer does not meet the minimum requirements. I have a Radeon RX 580 graphics card and an AMD Ryzen 5 2400G CPU, which is above the minimum requirements. Is there any way to get rid of the message? I talked to technical support and they said:

I understand that your AMD Radeon RX 580 is included in our supported in our current supported graphics cards.

However; the Ryzen 5 2400 is not supported by our software. This can cause compatibility issues and may limit functionality.

To resolve this you would need to swap the Ryzen 5 2400 with a supported graphics card.

Solution 1:

If you're using Windows, you can get rid of the message using a Registry tweak:

  1. Open regedit and go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0".
  2. Change the value ProcessorNameString to e.g. Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4590 CPU @ 3.30GHz.


You'll have to restart any Oculus Rift executables (like OVRserver_x64.exe).

In case you don't want to mess around with the Registry, here's an alternative solution, involving the renaming of files:

Go to C:\Users\Your username\AppData\Local\Oculus directory (Appdata might be hidden - you will need to select 'View Hidden Items' in folder view). Rename the Compatibility.json file to CompatibilityNew.json.temp (file extensions might also be hidden, check 'File Name Extensions' in folder view).
Then change that file's security settings (Right-click → Properties → Security tab), so that all users/groups have "Deny" access to the file.

Then go to the C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-runtime directory and change the Compatibility.json filename to CompatibilityNew.json, and then change that file's security settings (Right-click → Properties → Security tab), so that all users/groups have "Deny" access to the file.

You will then need to restart the Oculus VR Runtime Services service in the Service Manager app (Run → 'services.msc), or reboot your system for the changes to take effect in the Oculus interface.

If you are unsure of messing in these folders, make a backup of them first!

source, slightly redacted

I can't test these solutions myself, unfortunately, so I'm not sure about their efficacy in your situation.