Is there a word meaning “disposed to correct one’s own behaviour quickly”?

What is the English word for a person who when they fail and realize their failure, they then regret and quickly correct their own behaviour without any wavering?

Edit: I accepted an answer although the exact word I am looking for has not been found. I will change the answer should one be found.

The closest matches are conscientious, repentant. To express exactly what I am looking for consider the scenario: You have had an argument, then you realize that what you did to your friend is wrong and he was correct. Without any thinking at that very second you run back to your friend saying: "I am sorry I have done wrong." asking for apology. It may take you 2 minutes to correct yourself - maybe you would go over your reasoning a few times to convince a good part of yourself to take over, and you would still be considered repentant and conscientious. But what I mean is a correction without a second thought once you realize you are wrong.

I would choose principled; one who believes in and lives by a set of principles, does not willingly violate those principles without some regret, and self-corrects when necessary.

"adjective: 1(of a person or their behavior) acting in accordance with morality and showing recognition of right and wrong: a principled politician; 2(of a system or method) based on a given set of rules: a coherent and principled approach

Your inclusion of regret in your description implies conscience, but the word conscientious is more often used to describe attention to detail and overall thoroughness, and is not appropriate.

Consider self-policing

a process where individuals or groups provide their own discipline and enforce it without outside help.

While the definition does not specifically convey immediacy, the concept of policing suggests a regular review

to observe or record the activity or enforcement of: a committee was set up to police the new agreement on picketing


  • having strong moral principles and being certain
  • not resting until the job is done and done right
  • being loyal to families, causes, and superiors
  • working hard to do well achieving and accomplishing things
  • loving to work and be challenged

  1. Introspective

  2. Self-correcting

automatically adjusting to or correcting mistakes, malfunctions

This applies more to systems, I think.

A good biblical word is repent (or repentance or repentant).

To repent is to demonstrate your regret for having done something wrong by unhesitatingly doing the right thing.

The word translated as ''repentance'' is the Greek word μετάνοια (metanoia), "after/behind one's mind" . . . [and] the whole compound means: 'to think differently after'. Metanoia is therefore primarily an after-thought, different from the former thought; a change of mind accompanied by regret and change of conduct, "change of mind and heart", or, "change of consciousness" (from Wikipedia).

Repent is admittedly an old-fashioned word, and most people (I imagine) would feel uncomfortable using it in everyday speech. The word nevertheless describes exactly what you describe.

"He was truly repentant for his actions, and without hesitation he did the right thing."

"His repentant attitude was quite evident by his change in behavior."

John the Baptist: "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance . . .."