How do I take off my pants?

Solution 1:

I have mastered taking off my pants!

To remove your pants, simply put on a full-length dress. This places your shirt and pants into your inventory. Then just put on a different shirt and boom, you got your dress off and your pants off!

I have also just discovered the same method can be used to remove your shirt as well! Instead of re-equiping a shirt after putting on a dress, instead put on pants or a skirt and you will have no shirt!

Solution 2:

You always have to be wearing pants of some kind (or a skirt or a dress) in the game, you can not just remove what you have one. You will always have to swap them out for something else.

As mentioned by FAE: The default pants are not put into your inventory, also patterned clothing in general will just go back to being a pattern and will not give you a clothing item.

Solution 3:

I just make a new dress design out of one I wore, lost both the shirt and the pants. It's basically the undershirt and underwear you're left with.